December 1999.  Judy retired from Masada College after 21 years at the Lindfield Primary school, the last 10 of them as Deputy Principal.

November 1999. I resigned from Patrick Stevedores and started working as a Contractor through our new company, Rodenhuis Pty Ltd.  I am now working in the city for Superannuation Fund manager, AM Corporation.

October 8th 1999.  A proud day for parents - Meredith's graduation from the University of NSW with a Master's degree in Health Administration.  This was the culmination of almost three years hard work.   Naturally there are some photos.

Sept 1999. With the closing down of steel making at BHP's Newcastle Steelworks, I went to a reunion of Chemists. It was a great night, meeting former workmates from the 60's. I left BHP in 1971 to become a geologist.

July 1999.  I was off to the USA for the first time to attend a computer conference in New Orleans, Louisana.   The conference, organised by Computer Associates was huge, with 25,000 attendees.   I took the Canon camera and took a few snaps when I had a spare moment.

On Saturday, 2nd January 1999 our daughter Meredith married George at Church Point, on Pittwater.  It was a glorious day weatherwise.  After leaving home at Ashfield, we drove to Rose bay to board our seaplane for the journey to The Pasadena at Church Point.  A wonderful open-air ceremony was performed by Father Peter McGrath, followed by the reception.  Here are some photos.